We offer the only UK CAA approved online dangerous goods by air training. We are also the only IATA Competency Training and Assessment Centre in the UK.
Remote examination

Dangerous Goods Training – Training Course Extension

(per week)

Our training courses provide 12 weeks access. If you have purchased a course and require additional time, you can extend access in week increments, up to a maximum of 5 additional weeks.


Our Courses

Our courses ensure students become familiar and competent in the use of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations. This is achieved throughout the courses with video tutorials and audio instructions, with a focus on using the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations to complete numerous challenging interactive exercises.


Book Rental £10.00 per week – IATA DGR 65th Edition 2024, English

Ground crew Loading Cargo onto Airplane

7.3 - Personnel Responsible for Processing or Accepting Dangerous Goods Consignments - INITIAL

Ground crew loading dangerous goods onto airplane

7.3 - Personnel Responsible for Processing or Accepting Dangerous Goods Consignments - REVALIDATION

7.1 - Personnel preparing Lithium Battery Consignments (Packing Instructions 965- 970 Section I, IA & IB) + IATA Certification

Dangerous Goods Training – Training Course Extension


Our training courses provide 12 weeks access. If you have purchased a course and require additional time, you can extend access in week increments, up to a maximum of 5 additional weeks.


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There is no limit on the number of times you can work through the modules. We recommend you score at least 80% at the end of each to ensure you are maximising the possibility of passing the examination.

Yes, you may. Remember the examination is not a test of memory, it is to ensure you can navigate your way through the IATA DGR competently.

Assuming you have referenced the PDF workbook, your next port of call is to contact one of our experienced trainers at info@dgonline.training or call 0800 644 6799.

The course is managed with a series of modules, with a number of exercises at the end of each one. We recommend that you score at least 80% on the exercises before you move on.  There is no limit on the number of times you work through the modules.

The training is suitable for students without any previous experience. There are a number of exercises to complete as you go through the training which help to prepare you for the examination. After completing each section of the course, you are provided with a grade. We recommend you retake the section if you do not achieve a score of 80% or more, as this is the minimum grade required to pass the final examination. There is no limit to the number of times you retake each section.

If you are revalidating your current certificate, we will request to see a copy of this before the course is allocated to you.

Check the following:

  • Use a Chrome browser.  Internet Explorer creates issues particularly with older versions.
  • Are you using one window to run the course? Running multiple windows will automatically cause the course to stop recording progress.
  • Always close the course browser window and log out from the Learning Management System (LMS) when taking a break from the course. 
  • Change computer.  Virus software on the specific computer can interrupt the running if the course.
  • Change network.  Security settings on company servers can cause issues with the course.
  • Use an incognito window. To do this, you should open an incognito tab in Chrome by clicking on File and then selecting New Incognito Window, once that is done you can login to the LMS using this window and access the content to see if it behaves in the same way.  The reason why we suggest this is because opening an incognito tab strips out any browser plug-ins or default settings which may interfere with the functionality of online content in the browser.
  • Have a computer with an internet connection and audio output.
  • Ensure you are in an appropriate surrounding environment to complete the course materials. Ideally this will be a quiet environment free from distractions.
  • Access to a copy of the latest version of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.
  • A printed copy of the course notes. These can be downloaded and printed from the course. Instructions are shown at the very beginning of the course.
  • A calculator and a ruler.
  • Notepaper.  We recommend making your own notes in addition to the accompanying course notes; these can be taken into the examination.

Depending on how much experience you have depends on the length of time to successfully complete the course. We recommend that you work on the training little and often such as 3- 4 hours per day. You can retake the modules as many times as you would like to ensure you have a deep level understanding of what is required. You will have access to the online training for 12 weeks.

Please contact one of our experienced trainers on info@dgonline.training or call 0800 644 6799 to arrange a 30 minute training session.

We give you access to the online training for 12 weeks from the date of purchase. If you are struggling to complete the training modules in this time frame, additional access can be purchased on our website at the following link


To celebrate being awarded the IATA Competency Training & Assessment Centre accreditation, we are offering a 10% discount off all our dangerous goods by air training courses.